Our Students
Our school is a site for the International Language Program on Saturdays. Arabic and a number of other languages are taught. It is also a hub for the community during the summer as many children attend the summer session of the International Language Program. The daily Breakfast Program is attended by many students at Charles Hulse and is supported by the Ottawa Food Bank. Students who attend this program receive a hearty nutritious meal that gives them the energy that they need for the learning that follows.
Our Staff
Members of the staff at Charles H. Hulse Public School are well known for their commitment to academic excellence and for their commitment to developing students’ potential within a safe and nurturing environment. Administrators, teachers, early childhood educators, educational assistants, office and custodial staff work together as a team to provide a school environment that is welcoming, validating and child-centered. As there is such a diverse student population, the teaching staff uses its expertise in first and second language development, and implements a philosophy of inclusion and global education in its programs. A key member of our staff is the Multicultural Liaison Officer (MLO), Mr. Abdirizak Warsame, who works at our school part time.
Our Community
We are fortunate to have many volunteers in our school, both from our parents/guardians and from the wider community. The Charles H. Hulse School Council is made up of a group of dedicated parents and staff. The activities of the council enrich the students’ educational experiences, and, promote, effective communication and co-operation between the parents/guardians, staff and the community.
In addition, we continue to have an excellent relationship with our neighbours at Ridgemont High School and St. Pat’s High School, and have many co-op students helping in our classrooms. This enhances community involvement as the older students serve as good role models for our students. The students clearly benefit from these positive interactions.
Mission Statement
At Charles H. Hulse Public School, we bring to life a shared vision of a quality school – a school full of enthusiastic and confident learners who are developing the knowledge, skills and values to successfully participate in a competitive, multi-cultural, rapidly changing global society.
When asked to describe our school, students say we have an excellent, fun, beautiful, safe, exciting, and peaceful place to learn!
Facilities and Resources
Charles H. Hulse Public School has a library with a large collection of current books by popular authors, and many books reflecting our cultural diversity. The classrooms have Tech Tubs with several mobile devices including iPads, Chrome Books, and laptops. All of our classrooms have ceiling mounted projectors for teachers and students to share. We are fortunate to have two gymnasiums and we have an onsite daycare, Andrew Fleck Day Care. Our school is a large one that benefits from a vast playground with designated areas for primary and junior students. The EarlyON Child and Family Centre is also located in our school. This centre is part of the Ministry of Education’s Early Learning Initiative. The centre helps prepare children (aged 0 to 6 years) for starting school and encourages families to be a part of their children's learning. On Saturdays, our school is used by the International Language Program offered by Continuing Education.